What is a drug overdose?
A drug overdose is when a drug user takes more drugs than the body can stand. Overdose can happen by accident and intentionally. Users may simply not know what dosage to use and mix prescription drugs with recreational drugs. Users might also be attempting to recreate an experience when they are less tolerant than they think they are. Mixing drugs can create a chained reaction in the body, particularly if they are stimulant and depressants taken together and at the same time.
Drug overdoses and their symptoms depend on the drug that the user has been taking. For instance, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are very different from crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms. However, it must be said that drug overdose can affect those that do not use recreational drugs. Many users overdose on over the counter prescription medication from not knowing their dosage, following it closely or from children and young adults ingesting it.
Which Types of Drugs Can Someone Overdose On?
A person can overdose on three different types of drugs. Over the counter medication are drugs which can be bought on the street without a prescription, like pain killers and cough syrups. Anyone can get these at a pharmacy. Some of the most popular over-the-counter medication that people may overdose on are sleeping tablets and headache pills.
Prescription drugs can only be bought with a doctor's prescription, otherwise the user is not able to obtain them. Opiates are frequently very addictive and users may overdose on them. Many opiate addicts and dependent people may also get these prescription drugs from unreliable sources which may contain materials not fit for human consumption. Most people who overdose on drugs overdose on illegal substances. This is simply because many users do not know what the non-lethal or accepted usage is, there might not be enough resources for them to go to and since the drug is illicit to manufacture, produce and distribute, the user could be taking anything while he or she is taking the drug, which may cause a severe reaction in several people.
What Happens When Someone Overdoses?
The symptoms are as varied as the drugs out there. If you think you might be in danger of an overdose, seek medical help immediately.
Overdosing varies very much depending on the substance. When an individual overdoses on alcohol, they might get seizures, nausea and vomiting along with a marked decreased in breathing speed and in some extreme cases low body temperature. Overdosing on methamphetamines may cause anxiety, aggressive paranoia, depressions, seizures, shaking and convulsions and a marked increase in body temperature. The user might also feel a noticeable increase in heartbeat speed. When the user has overdoses on crack cocaine, he or she may also have unusual heartbeat speeds and start to sweat profusely.
Overdosing is dangerous and in extreme cases may cause death. It may also cause noticeable effects that last a long time after the user has stopped taking drugs. It is, therefore, imperative that the user seeks help.